Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Danger Zone

A few months ago, Target placed a Dollar Section near the entrance of the store.

The Dollar Section will be my financial downfall.

I went to Super Target tonight, as I was in need of groceries and a microwave, and I only wanted to make one stop. The microwave is quite nice, and is now sitting on my kitchen counter.

Of course, the first thing I did was walk through the Dollar Section with the intent of browsing.

Ten minutes later, the following items were in my cart:

- 4 martini glasses
- 4 of the old-style Coke glasses
- 1 set of 4 glass coasters
- 1 "Mozart and Martinis" CD
- 1 plastic basket

For those of you not keeping score at home, that's $11 worth of crap acquired in ten minutes.

My total bill tonight? $202. TWO HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS.

And the microwave, unfortunately, only accounts for $60 of that. What did I buy, you might ask? Everything.

The problem with moving is that you have to purchase the annoying, rather expensive items when you arrive at your new home. For me, that meant I was out of toilet paper ($7), Kleenex ($5), a razor (Don't ask--$7), soap ($5 for the giant liquid soap container), chicken ($10), contact solution ($6), and shaving gel ($3).

In all, that's another $43.

That means I only spent about $100 on food, which isn't bad. A large portion of that was to restock my pantry and freezer with items that won't go bad anytime soon--mac & cheese, soup, frozen pizza, frozen veggies (mmm, lima beans and green beans), stir fry, etc.

But between the Target run tonight and the fact that I have to pay my rent tomorrow, my nice, healthy $1200 bank account will now dwindle to... $660... then take out another $30 I spent on towels... $630... and another $100 spent on a birthday/christmas present for someone and a new down comforter for me... $530... $15 for gas... $515... then there are credit card bills to pay.

I need that $500 AMEX gift card now, please.

At least I get paid again on the 16th or so. And I should be getting my last paycheck from UT sometime soon.

Welcome to reality.

Well I've been working five days, full time
Ain't got no money
Everything is goin' fine.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger K said...

I just realized that I got $20 in cash, so I really only spent $82 on food.

That makes me feel better.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Tom said...

why shouldn't we ask about the razor?
and lima beans? really?

ps why is it I'm the only one commenting here? maybe you don't have many friends...

At 7:23 AM, Blogger K said...

Yeah. I love lima beans. I also love spinach and cauliflower.

I'm odd.

And you're the only one commenting because you're probably the only one reading it so far. I just put a link in my AIM profile late last night.


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