Tuesday, December 06, 2005

December Blues.

I love Christmas. Let me start by saying that. But after talking to a friend of mine last night, I was reminded of how much this month has absolutely blown in the recent past. Right now, we're a week into the month, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Let's review, shall we?

Disclaimer: I realize that several of these so-called crappy events were well within my control. That doesn't make them any more enjoyable--if anything it makes it that much worse because they were entirely avoidable. Live and learn, and then move on.

I finished my first semester at UT with absolutely stellar results. I'm talking genuis level here--I got a whopping 1.6 semester GPA. I'd like to say that I learned my lesson and fixed it during the spring semester (for the record, I did learn my lesson and would have fixed it if the spring hadn't turned into a 4 month nightmare). This put a rather large damper on all things Christmas and such.

I was taking a year off from UT and living at home while attending community college. I pulled a Kelly/Sean, as we so appropriately named it last night, and dropped a class or two and didn't do so well in the others. Again, see the entry above regarding putting a damper on Christmas.

I was back at UT. However, I made the mistake in August of taking Economics, Murphy's class, MIS, and Italian. I needed a 2.5 for the semester to remain at UT. I got a 2.46. I also had a relationship end (badly), and a 3 week long case of the stomach flu. I spent two weeks frantically appealing to advisers, deans, committees, and sleeping a lot so I wouldn't be puking. In the end, it worked out--with a bonus. Having the stomach flu right before Christmas means that you get to spend a week eating everything in sight so as to regain the weight you didnt' need to lose.

I waited tables at a restaurant one summer, and planned to return to said establishment over Christmas break to earn some money. In between August and December, the managers busted a ring of servers for effectively stealing from the company. Somehow, my name was dropped (I didn't do it), and they had to investigate me before I could return to work. Between being accused of what amounted to a felony when you factored in how much money had been stolen and losing out on income = shitty.

I spent last December having panic attacks, packing up my apartment, moving to Dallas, and crying. A lot. Because being the idiot that I am, I didnt' realize how much I'd miss Austin until I was staring at an empty apartment, a full U-haul, and 200 miles of I35 North.

Crisis pending. Anyone want to take bets? Maybe I'll get laid off this year!


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