Sunday, August 07, 2005

Debauchery, Austin-style.

I went to Austin this weekend. Normally, I fly solo on my trips to Austin--it affords me far more freedom. If I change my mind at 2 AM and decide that I'd like to swap couches, I can. I can do whatever I want without having to factor in someone else's preferences.

However, this weekend, I caravaned down with a group of four other girls. Four of us work togehter, and the fifth works in the same industry and went to college with me. One of the girls also went to school with us, while the remaining two had little (if any) Austin experience.

It is a weekend that we will not be forgetting anytime soon.

Those of us who can remember it, anyway...

Jenn and I hit the road at 5:30 on Friday. Once we were out of Dallas, the trip went smoothly. She chugged a Red Bull and occupied herself with making friends with drivers we passed on 35. Unfortunately, all but 2 were on their cell phones. She was disappointed to find that "they don't need to be friends with me. They already have friends. Aww..."


We ate at Hula Hut for dinner (see the "World's Biggest Spoon" pictures), and headed to Sixth Street. I had attempted to explain just how small of a world Austin is before we left Dallas (this was Jenn's first visit there), but I don't think she quite understood it. Until we walked into the first bar, one of my usual haunts, and ran into the creative interns from the agency. And thus began an entire night of seeing people I knew... most of whom weren't the ones I wanted to see.

We did shots at Cheers and said hi to my friend who bartends there (who I am willing to bet is again single, as he kissed me on the lips instead of the cheek, as per usual). We went to Cuba Libre to see another friend of mine.

She saw Leslie at one point.

"WHAT is that?"

"Huh? Oh, that's Leslie."

"What's a Leslie?"

"You've never heard of Leslie? He's famous. He wanders around Austin in that (a thong and tshirt), a teddy, or a powder blue leisure suit."

"That's disturbing."

"He runs for mayor."

"That's even more disturbing."


The rest of the night passed quickly, and we then crashed at a friend's place. I got into a fight with my friend after Jenn had crashed, as he said she had a bad attitude. I told him that she was just exhausted, and not to mess with me.

Yes, ladies and gentleman (who know the rest of the story), I am that good of a friend.

On Saturay, we picked up Taco Shack (heaven), and then set to work deciding which river to float when we'd met back up with the rest of the group.

We decided on the Guadalupe.

Had I known then what was going to transpire in the next 8 hours, I probably would've thrown Jenn in the car and driven back to Dallas. Alas, I haven't figured out the whole seeing the future thing yet, so I went along blindly. And dumbly. And ever other bad "-ly" word I can think of.

Let's do the math:

- 6 people
- 1 case of beer
- 150 Jello shots
- 1 5 hour float (complete with rapids)
- 3 Canadians
- a partridge in a pear tree

In all seriousness.

Jenn got obliterated. You know how obliterated we got that fateful Wednesday night? She was worse.

I won't go into the details (she'd kill me), but I will say that she survived with nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises.

I, on the other hand, stayed stone-cold sober, and am now nursing a badly bruised wrist. I had a disagreement with a rapid, and subsequently a disagreement with some rocks.

Jenn passed out at 8:30 on Satuday night.

I left to have dinner with friends, and called her at midnight to see if she was awake and wanted to come to my friend's place to watch a movie and sleep there. Apparently, she got my message when she woke up at 4:30 AM. Heh.

We hit the road after lunch at Shady Grove and arrived back in Dallas at 4. I wish that I could elaborate more, but our mantra for the weekend prevents it.

What happens in Austin, stays in Austin.

All in all, it was a great visit. I can't wait to go back in a few weeks for a (lower-key) trip.

But this time, it's my turn to get obliterated on the river.

I like to spend my days floatin' down the Guadalupe River
Drink a cold case of Lone Star Beer while my body shivers


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