Monday, March 14, 2005

Dear life, you suck.

I woke up at 5:30 this morning.

Now, if I had woken up at 5:30 AM because I went to sleep at some absurdly early hour the previous evening, I probably wouldn't be pissed. I'd probably just enjoy the extra hour to laze around, read a book, or daydream.

However, I didn't go to sleep til 12:30 AM, so waking up 5 hours later was not enjoyable.

Particularly since the reason I woke up was because I'd gotten my period. Don't like that? Skeeves you out? Get over it.

Now, females who are sexually active and not wanting to have babies are generally happy to see that time of the month arrive. For the first five minutes, anyway. After that, it's like "OK, thanks for the confirmation that it's just me in here, now go away." However, since I'm not even getting ass, I really have no desire to see this stupid biological wonder.

As it was, I managed to fall asleep again until 6:30, at which time I decided that fixing my hair was not a necessity, and reset my alarm for 7:15. I left the house in jeans and a fleece at 8:05, arrived at work, and immediately watched my day get worse.

I have fifty million things to do. I have one VERY important deadline to meet by EOD tomorrow. People are being stupid, people are not getting back to me, people are ANNOYING THE PISS OUT OF ME. I do not want to be here at work. I want to be at home, under my freshly laundered sheets, sleeping. But, I'm here, and I'm probably going to be here until at least 6 again.

And since I"ll be here til 6, I won't get home until almost 7. Then, I'll have to get my shit together, change, and go for my run. So I won't actually be able to sit down and relax until 8:30, what with the running and showering and all of that. And really, at 8:30, I'm going to have to make dinner, so again--no relaxing there.

And did I mention the pile of laundry that is growing at the foot of my bed? Huge. HUGE. Needs to be done TONIGHT. So now, I'm faced with cycling at least two loads through the washer and dryer, and adorning my apartment with 2 loads worth of clothes that can't be dried. And I need to straighten up the crap I left out last night so that I don't spend an entire weekend cleaning again in a few weeks, the way I did this past weekend.

Then, tomorrow, I can't go running, whcih is annoying me. I'm going to a Mavs game. Which is cool. In a luxury suite, which is way cool. But, you know, it kills my night, and I get nothing done, and that annoys me. I need to make food so I can take my lunch so I can save money so I can get out of debt... it's a vicious cycle.

And now, my crampy self is going to go be pissy. At Excel. While I work on yet another spreadsheet.


If I could just grow up
Then everything would be just fine.
Why does my life suck?


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Tom said...

"However, since I'm not even getting ass, I really have no desire to see this stupid biological wonder."

this stupid biological wonder.

good line.

this entry has highlighted the driving force in my life, and it's effects: I'm lazy. I take the easy way whenever possible.

I am a guy. no "time of the month" for me. Easy. Dont' have to worry about fixing my hair. Easy.

I have an easy job. Easy. biggest headache of my day is when the printer goes down. but that's ok cuz it's not even my fault, so if my work's not done I'm not blamed. Easy.

Living at home (that's laundry, food, shelter taken care of).

I don't go for runs cuz I don't work out. cuz it's too hard.

And, I don't get perks from work like luxury suites, cuz that would interfere with tv watching time.


love tom


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