Moron, party of one.
I needed to shower this morning so that I could straighten my hair with less of a hassle. To do this, and leave my apartment by 8 AM, I needed to be out of bed by about 6:40 (15 minutes to shower, 30 to sit around while my hair dried, and 35 to get ready).
I set the alarm for 6:21.
I started waking up to the alarm going off before 6. In my sleepy stupor, I assumed that the alarm was just whacked, and continued to hit the snooze button every 9 minutes. At some point, I decided that I could just go to work with wet hair and put it in a ponytail, and reset my alarm for 7:30 (I hadn't gone to bed until 1 AM).
When I got up to reset the alarm for 7:30, I happened to glance at the time I had originally set it for.
5:21 AM.
Jesus Christ.
I stumbled through the routine of push the covers back, stand up, stumble to the alarm, hit the M&Ms to make it stop bleeping (I have an M&Ms alarm clock), stumble back to bed, flop down, pull covers over head, go back to sleep for an HOUR LONGER THAN I WAS SUPPOSED TO.
Why I assumed that the alarm was whacked and then didn't turn it off is beyond me. I really don't fuction well before 10 AM--this is proof.
In other news, I am spending the week doing mountains of laundry. I'm giving up my washer/dryer after this month, and my goal is to wash every piece of clothing I own between now and the day they come to pick it up--I figure this way, it's all washed for when I move in August. So far, I've done 3 loads. I estimate that I have another 6-8 to do. Happy happy, joy joy.
Oh, and I was approved for my new apartment. I came into work this morning to a voicemail from my leasing agent telling me that they were waiting on my criminal check, but everything else looks good. Fortunately, I can safely say that they won't find anything on my criminal background--it's the credit check that I was more concerned about, and if they already passed me on that, I'm home free. My new lease will start on August 22--weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I'm very excited to be going to Austin this weekend. One of my primary reasons for being excited is completely and utterly stupid, but in the interest of being honest--I "get" Austin fashion. It's much more casual, much more my style (my idea of dressing up is my short(er) cotton black skirt and a blue tank top with flip flops)... I don't really grasp Dallas fashion yet. Every time I think I've got it, it trips me up.
Basically, if I could live my life in khaki shorts and a tshirt or a button-down with the sleeves rolled up, I'd be money. I'd also be a female fratty, but what can you do?
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