Thursday, June 09, 2005


I am stressed, and frustrated, and tired, and generally antsy this week. Work has been an absolute beast. I spent 3 hours today figuring out why I was $1 million over budget.

Yeah, millions. I still can't fathom that amount of money.

At any rate, the point is that I found myself sitting at my desk at 5:00. I still had a pile of work to do. My desk, which I had spent thirty minutes cleaning the day before, was again buried. Even my twinkly Christmas lights couldn't cheer me up. And I started crying.

I stopped quickly, because ohmygod how pathetic would it be to cry at work? I left feeling generally craptastic, sad, and still on the verge of tears. This rarely happens to me, and when it does, I have no idea how to deal with it. My usual response of a bottle of wine and a chick flick with a girlfriend was out of the question, as everyone was busy. I got home, felt slightly better because my wireless router decided to work again, and stuck up an away message:

"In dire need of an adventure."

Ten minutes later, Erin came through.

I'm headed to San Antonio on Sunday. Erin is moving from Cincinnati to San Antonio, and she's scheduled to arrive on Sunday. I'll be there until 6 AM on Monday, at which point I will drive back to Dallas and go straight to work. I'll have to get permission tomorrow to be about an hour late, but I would be shocked if I'm turned down.

I'm going to hang out with one of my best friends from college. I'm going to help her unpack, admire her new engagement ring (!), and drink margaritas on the Riverwalk while she helps me sort out the mess that is my life. I won't even be there for 24 hours, but sometimes you just need to get away for a brief time to take a deep breath and keep going.

It says sit back and take this time
to lose your mind.


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