Monday, December 12, 2005

Urban Driving 101.

I live in an uppity area of Dallas. As such, there is a roundabout of sorts located in the main intersection of the streets that run past the buildings that make up my apartment "complex".
While I realize that in the US roundabouts are not as common as 4 way stops (not that people here understand how to navigate those properly), I thought that they were fairly basic in terms of understanding.

Apparently, I was wrong.

I cannot begin to tell you the number of cars that I have seen completely and totally fuck up the negotiation of this strange concept. How hard is it to go to the right? If you need to make a left, you go to the right 3/4 of the way around the circle and it spits you out to the left of the point at which you started. If you need to go straight, you simply bear right in a semi-circle. Turning right is fairly simple--just turn right. Don't enter the roundabout while there's another car in it and about to pass you.

I'd detail how to make a U-turn, but I'm afraid that might be too much.

This is brought to you by the Mercedes SUV that almost jacked me this evening while I was attempting to go straight through the circle on my way to the parking garage. The Mercedes (located to my right) seemed to want to go left via the shortcut--without winding around the circle--while I was still driving directly in its path.


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