Saturday, July 30, 2005


This weekend had the potential to go down in the books as one of the good ones.

- I didn't have to drive to A-town for once. Don't get me wrong--I love my family--but having to go once or twice a week really grates on your nerves after a while.

- There was a multitude of good quotes

- I got a parking pass with my (free) Rangers tickets (for excellent seats) for this Wednesday

- I went for a 2-mile run

- I got paid on Friday

- I had girls' night last night, and went out in Uptown tonight

These things, plus a few others that I'm too lazy to list, had all the makings of a great weekend spent chilling out in Dallas with no real obligations or set agenda. Even though we didn't stay out very long tonight (we're boring--what can I say?), I had fun, and I had Taco C at the end of the evening. And I got to watch the only Sex & the City episode where you see a penis, which was entertaining.

And then, I left Jenn's and walked out to my car.

And there it was.

A motherfucking parking ticket.

Did you know that it's illegal to park within 20 feet of a crosswalk? Yeah, I didn't. I know you can't block a fire hydrant. I know you can't park too close to a stop sign.

But a motherfucking crosswalk when it's not even a full-fledged intersection?

I'm so fucking pissed, for multiple reasons:

1) that part of the curb is NOT marked "no parking" in any way, shape, or form. I don't buy for a second that the "within 20 feet of a crosswalk" rule is one that anyone knows off the top of his or her head.

2) the guy behind me (who was obviously also within 20 feet, as my car is NOT 20 feet long) had no parking ticket.

3) the guy in front of me, who was parked in front of a motherfucking fire hydrant (!) had no ticket.

4) I do not have $30 to spare

5) The motherfucking city of Dallas police should be so busy with rapes, murders, and drunk drivers that giving out motherfucking parking tickets should be the LAST thing they're concerned with.



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