Josie's on a vacation far away...
And my brain is with her.
I have no idea what my deal is (well, actually, I know exactly what my deal is--I'm distracted by some big stuff coming up in my life), but my God, I am going to find myself bunking down in traffic for the night if I'm not careful.
I went to Two Rows tonight with a friend of mine for $1 pint night.
Well, when I say "$1 pint night", I mean "any night of the week". I love Two Rows, particularly since I've finally developed a taste (or perhaps tolerance) for beer.
I finally got there after a fifteen minute drive behind every stupid driver in Dallas, walked into the restaurant, found my friend, and sat down. The server walked over, and the conversation went something like this:
"What can I get you to drink?"
"Umm... what do you have on draft?"
My friend and the server simultaneously pointed towards the menu of draft beers sitting right in front of me.
"Heh. Whoops. I'll have the Old Town Hefeweizen. And a glass of water."
My friend and the server then pointed towards the glass of water sitting next to me.
"Oh. Sorry."
I then turned to my friend, who I have not seen in a few weeks, and said "So how is law school going? What's new?"
He spent the next few minutes filling me in on the goings on of law school, friends family, travel plans, and other tidbits while I looked over the menu. During this, the server came back with my beer. My friend finished his update, we went back and forth about what I should order to eat, and then...
"So how is law school going?"
He looked at me like the moron that I am, and I said "Shit, I already asked you that, didn't I?"
I don't know what my deal is. Perhaps it was my run-in with the light fixture at the Omni Hotel on Friday (there's a post for another time)... perhaps it was the Friday night drinks... who knows? But I have got to get it together.
Or stop dyeing my hair, revert to my blonde roots, accept the fact that I look like every other female in Dallas, and blame it on that.