Tuesday, January 17, 2006

SWF seeks brain.

I am an idiot.

First of all, I misread my Outlook calendar last night and thought I had to be at work for an 8:30 meeting this morning. I did not. There was no meeting. I left my apartment (and subsequently woke up that much earlier) 25 minutes before I normally would. Traffic sucked, as it usually does at 7:50 AM on a Tuesday.

And yes, it's TUESDAY.

I was walking into the front door of the building as a very important agency person (Molly, you've received calls for him) was getting out of a car, presumably back from the airport. I headed up the stairs, pleased that I had actually worn nice clothing (grey slacks, black sweater) today instead of looking like my usual scrubby self.

And then, I ate it. I tripped over one of the steps and went stumbling headlong into the front doors. Said important agency person laughed as I sheepishly held the door open for him and said "Yeah, it's Monday."


It's Tuesday. Fuck!

On the agenda for tonight is a healthy dinner, the gym, and TV. I have to (HAVE TO) go to sleep by 10 PM, as I have to (HAVE TO) go to the gym tomorrow morning before work. We're going to a Stars game tomorrow night, and then probably out afterwards--we haven't had a good weeknight drunkfest in a while, and I have a feeling we're due for it.


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