3rd grade redux.
I feel like I'm on a field trip.
My lunch today consists of a small bag of Doritos, a peanut butter sandwich, and a can of Coke. Wrap some foil around the Coke, stick me in a park somewhere with 90 eight year olds, and I'd swear that I was back in 1991 on a field trip somewhere in New Orleans.
(Sidenote--I've noticed that field trip coolness varies directly in proportion to the type of district you're attending school in. New Orleans? We went to the Sunbeam Bread Factory (remember that one, Simon?) and a (free) national park. Virginia Beach? Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Nags Head. Seriously, folks)
I should be entering program information into flowcharts right now. I'm not. Obviously. My attention span is everywhere but on my work today. I just need to survive until 5 or so, and then I can go home and decompress on my couch. I need a second job. Badly. At this point, an extra $70 a week would make an enormous difference in my life. I'm so tired of living paycheck to paycheck. It brings back memories of the Summer of 2003, when I was so broke it was painful.
The peanut butter sandwich also reminds me of that. Try working an unpaid internship, taking classes, and trying desperately to find a part-time job that actually pays you. I never did, and subsequently wound up funneling my grocery money to my entertainment fund (which was still woefully inadequate), and thus spent the entire summer eating instant mashed potatoes and peanut butter sandwiches. On a good week, I had fresh fruit to go with the sandwiches. On the upside, I was really skinny. On the downside, I was probably bordering on malnourished.
The point to this is that I don't want to have to live that life again. When I was 21, it was tolerable for 3 or 4 months. Now that I'm getting close to birthday #24, I'd like to have a little more of a financial cushion. I just sat down to figure out what I'm paying out of the paycheck I get on Friday. Car payment, insurance, credit card, electric bill, apartment fee, and I'm left with a whopping $168.25 to hold me until I get paid again on the 30th. And it's not as if that
paycheck is going to rock my socks off, because once I pay the rent, I've killed nearly 70% of my paycheck.
I'm just sick of being so worried about money.
AmiLynn has amazing timing, as she just emailed me a link to an online tutoring site that pays $10/hour. I'm going to apply as soon as I finish this entry.
If anyone else has any ideas of how to earn money on a part time basis, preferably not weekends (that's My Time), throw 'em at me.
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