Saturday, January 07, 2006

Missing: motivation.

I'm a lazy bastard.

In my defense, this is really the first Saturday in a month when I've had nothing to do, no one to answer to, and no obligations to fufill. The weather is gorgeous--I'm sitting in my apartment with the windows open and good music playing. I've only been awake for 3 hours, but I'm thinking of taking a nap.

Nothing to do or not, there are some things that need to get done. I need to do laundry because I'm running out of clean clothes. I need to go to the gym lest I develop an epic ass. I need to go to the grocery store because I have no toilet paper or Coke in the house, and that just doesn't work.

I don't want to do laundry because I'd have to sort out my clothes and walk the whopping fifty feet to the laundry room. I don't want to go to the gym because I'm sleepy and lazy. I don't want to go to the grocery store because, duh, the grocery store on a Saturday afternon is hell on earth. I'd almost rather go to the mall.

I'm going to keep being lazy until Jen calls me back. Then, I'll start to think about getting a plan going and accomplishing something today. Until then... I'll be on the couch, under my fleece blanket, dozing off.

Oh, and while I've heard rumors that they're doing the celebratory parade in Austin after school starts up again, I can't find anything concrete online--does anyone know anything? I'll definitely be coming into town for it, so the usual suspects should prepare themselves for a potential appearace by me on their couches.

And Matt and Carey, if you two aren't in town, so help me I will cut you. Not really. But I will be unhappy and begin to think that you're avoiding me.


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