Monday, December 19, 2005

"Um... yeah."

Amilynn, should she be reading this, will appreciate this entry.

Actually, I can hear her laughing her ass off all the way from Houston. Honestly, the only reason she keeps me around is to laugh at me. Fortunately, I'm OK with that, and I even enjoy laughing at myself with her.

We're going through some "growing pains" at work, if you will. They're rearranging a lot of things, tearing down existing cubes, building new formats in their place, combining departments in new locations, etc. As a result, we've been doing a lot of moving in the past few weeks. We'll move to our permanent location while the office is closed at Christmas, but we made our first temporary move over the weekend.

I was out of the office on Friday to use up my last vacation day, and subsequently missed the distribution of the map of our temporary slots. I knew the general area of where to look today (second floor, right side), and figured I'd just wander until I found my boxes.

I got to work, walked in, and started to look around. One row... two rows... still looking. Found my supervisor's cube. Found his supervisor's cube. Found my former cubemate's cube. Finally, someone from my department told me that my co-worker couldn't find her stuff, and that judging from the look on my face, I was in the same position.

I went downstairs to my old cube, thinking that perhaps they were running late on moving us.
My old cube no longer existed. Scratch that concept.

I spotted the co-worker with missing boxes walking toward the back of the first floor and ran after her. She was being led to our new location.

First, we went through the temporary wall that's being erected.

Then, we went around a corner.

Then, another corner, where we found ourselves in a veritable cube graveyard. The place was completely deserted.

Then, in the far corner of the building, where I swear they're not even heating it right now, we found our desks. We jokingly refer to it as Outer Siberia, and have contemplated building a fort using old bedsheets out of our cubes.

As the four of us who wound up over there got settled in, I stood up and said "You know, I feel like Milton from Office Space. Tomorrow, we're going to walk in and they're going to tell me 'Um, yeah. We're going to need to make more space... if you could move your desk to the access road of 161, that'd be great.'"

If they come after my red Swingline stapler, people are going down.


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