Friday, January 06, 2006

And a new tradition is born.

For those of you who are living under a rock or away from any and all forms of mass communication/human interaction, let me start by informing you that the University of Texas (at Austin) won the Rose Bowl last night, and subsequently the 2006 National Championship. They defeated the University of Southern California (I felt like using full names--more formal, you know) 41-38 in Pasadena.


Originally, my plan was to be at this game. However, since that didn't happen (I still don't want to talk about it), I decided to do the next best thing--drive to Austin and watch it there so that when we won, I could go apeshit on Sixth Street.

Unfortunately, work this week has been all hands on deck, and I was unable to get the time off. That, and I have $50 in my bank account to last until the 15th (ouch). Remember to pay parking tickets on time so that they don't suddenly drain $55 from you. On that note, remember to examine streets from six inches away for signs of a BRICK CROSSWALK WITH NO WHITE LINES. *ahem*

Thus, I was forced to go with the next best alternative: watching at a bar in Uptown Dallas with several hundred other insane Longhorn fans... and a few annoying USC supporters. We wound up at Frankie's and snagged a pretty sweet corner table (no small feat considering that Frankie's apparently allowed reservations, and this was the only table left, and we ran over a few people on the way to snag it... kidding).


- yelling to the point that I had no voice this morning, and my throat still hurts
- Free Crown & Cokes from the Crown Royal Girls (and bless them, because there is not enough money in the world to convince me to dress in referee striped halter tops, short purple shorts, and boots)
- high fives every time the damn ball moved in a way that favored Texas (my palms are bruised. I'm not kidding)
- the genius guy standing next to me who decided it was a good idea to slam his fist into our table when we did something wrong, thus sending two glasses full of water EVERYWHERE, including all over 1) my pants, and 2) Andrea's purse
- Text message conversations with AmiLynn (I capitalized the goddamn second letter, OK?) involving the words "fuck", "cocksucker", "hell", and "love". Just trying to throw you off with that last one.
- The crazy employee who painted his (bald) head to look like a UT football helmet and ran around with a GIGANTIC burnt orange flag, directing the crowd in chants of "Hell Yeah, Fuck Yeah!"

And now, the new tradition.

Whe we played Ohio State in Columbus this year, I watched the game at a bar in Frisco with friends. When we were about halfway through the fourth quarter and didn't seem to have a prayer, Ryan and I left and decided we'd watch the remainder of the game at his apartment nearby, thus saving ourselves from public humiliation from the impending loss.

I left that evening with a bruised shin from jumping into the corner of Ryan's coffee table when we defeated Ohio State.

Last night, with 6 minutes to go, I gave up. I turned to Andrea and said "I can't do this", and we started to leave. A friend we'd made said "But you guys can't go now!". I replied "Well, when we played Ohio State, I left at about this point and we won."

"Get the hell out of here."

Sure enough, I headed home to watch Texas go on to score twice more and win, 41-38.
While they didn't result from last night's activities, I have to wonder if it's any coincidence that my right shin is sporting a killer bruise right now.

Thus, I am now to leave any game that seems to be following this pattern, so long as I am not watching it in person. For the record, I was present for the Rose Bowl victory over Michigan in 2005, so apparently I'm just shitty luck when I'm at a bar.


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