Wednesday, December 28, 2005

On lazy days and self-evaluations.

I've completely reversed my schedule while on vacation. Last night, I finally went to sleep at 3:30 AM (and I really wasn't that tired, either). I woke up at 11:30 this morning and probably would've slept for at least another hour if my phone hadn't rung. I'll work on fixing this on Monday night, as I don't have to be back at work until Tuesday of next week.

Jen and I headed for the gym at 1ish, and it proved to be a completely pointless trip for me. I forgot to bring my inhalor (or take a dose before leaving), and found myself beginning to wheeze after fifteen minutes on the elliptical machine. I got off and rested for five minutes before I decided to try walking on the treadmill. I got through ten minutes of that before my lungs started freaking. All in all, not such a productive day.

After that, we went to have lunch. The original plan was to sit outside at Gloria's so that we could bring Koa (her dog) with us (it's also a gorgeous day, so sitting outside seemed like a good idea). However, the stupid restaurant wouldn't allow him on the patio. Did I mention that Koa weighs 4 pounds dripping wet and would have simply sat in Jen's lap the entire time we were there? Whatever.

We wound up at Chuy's (mmm, creamy jalapeno) and spent the better part of an hour eating and talking about life. There are days like today when I feel like I have a strong grasp on who I am and what I want out of life, and there are days when all I really know is who I don't want to be and who I used to be. I'm not sure if I'm making progress or regressing, but I guess I'll find out eventually.

Now I'm home, and tired for some unknown reason. I need to clean my apartment because my parents are coming by tomorrow to help me hang my curtains up (six months after I moved in). I need to clean my apartment because it's a wreck and it's driving me nuts. I need to do some laundry, because I want to sleep on clean sheets tonight. All I really want to do is lay on my couch and watch a movie with candles lit, the windows open, and all of the lights turned off. I also need to move my car to the garage so that the newly washed exterior isn't covered in bird shit again by the morning.

Mostly I need (need, not want) to go camping sometime soon... just get out of town for a weekend and be away from everything, turn the cell phone off, and relax. Maybe hike and fish a bit, read a good book, do some drinking... anyone up for it?


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